Uttar Pradesh Paramedical & Research Council
Welcome to Uttar Pradesh Paramedical & Research Council
UPPRC Affiliated with GLOBAL BIO - CHEMIC HOMOEO AND HOLISTIC MEDICAL COLLEGE and registerd Institute located in Ghaziabad state U.P. A decade of endless efforts has been made us proud to be the top medical institution in Ghaziabad Region providing general and super - speciality treatment to the patients of this and nearby areas. We are not only providing quality medical services at affordable cost to the society but also producing qualified doctors of tomorrow in a scenario where there is a dearth of medical professionals in the country. Regular education on the pattern of regular education on all India label We all as a team have been doing the “best” and are committed to do so in future also.
Objective Of Institute
Uttar Pradesh Paramedical & Research Council decieded to start a all recognized medical programs for Allopathy, Ayurveda, Siddha, Homoeopathic & Bio-Chemic Naturopathic and Yoga, Para Medical & Allied health Sciences & EMS/EMT Medical Services courses to be promoting evidence based medical practice in the changing health care environment of the 21st century. Practicing compassionate, analytical and ethical approach in the delivery of health care to the community. Providing opportunity for continuing professional development for the practicing doctors to maintain / improve the standards of care in their respective fields. Developing cooperation with other academic institutions. The main object of the Institution is make conduct effort to promote education.